Ofsted Reports
Blackawton Primary School is aiming for excellence in all that we do.
As a school that has converted to an academy, the school has closed and re-opened as new school. We have included the links to both the new academy Ofsted page and for the school prior to conversion.
Key Stage 2
At the end of Key Stage 2 the expected level of attainment is a Level 4. Children achieving a Level 5 or 6 are exceeding the expected attainment level and are working within the Key Stage 3 (Secondary School) curriculum.
The progress that children have made from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 is also measured. The expected progress is 2 Levels. Children who make more than 2 Levels have made rapid progress and are said to be exceeding the expectations
Key Stage 1
At the end of Key Stage 1 the expected level of attainment is a Level 2. Children achieving a Level 3 are exceeding the expected attainment level and are working within the Key Stage 2 curriculum.
Year 1 Phonics
At the end of Year 1, all children are tested on their knowledge and understanding of phonics. They are required to read 40 words (some made up) that require the children to apply their phonic knowledge. To achieve the expected standard 32 or more must be read correctly.
Cohort 14
86% achieved the expected standard (National 77%)
Foundation Stage
At the end of the Foundation Stage, children are assessed against the 17 Early Learning Goals that are set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. These cover a wide range of child development. Children are assessed as either Emerging, meeting Expected or Exceeding expected against each of the 17 goals. A 'Good Level of Development' is said to be achieved if children meet or exceed the expected standard in Communication and Language; Physical Development; Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Literacy and Numeracy.
Cohort 17
76% achieved a Good Level of Development (National 66%)
Further information on the schools achievements can be found on the DFE website
Pupil Premium
(1 x in care, 3 x service, 17 FSM)
FSM = Free School Meal
To remove barriers to learning
To accelerate pupil progress and raise attainment
To close the gap within school
To broaden experiences and widen opportunities
To support self-esteem, attitudes to learning, sense of well-being and enjoyment of school.
To raise aspiration
To ensure equality of access to resources and opportunity
To target the closure of school specific gaps
Action Taken
Release and training of LSA`s to implement interventions.
Additional teaching staff employed to maintain smaller classes enabling teachers to meet the individual needs of PPG children
Targeted interventions led by teaching assistants
Timetabled release of teachers for pupil conferencing
System of class action plans introduced with every class teacher identifying PPG children, monitoring and tracking progress
Opportunities funded – music lessons, trips and visit and residentials
Average Points Scores for PPG children, National PPG, Non-PPG and National all children.
Next Steps
Blackawton next steps 2015 / 16 agreed by Governors
As part of Federation Core Offer allocate a percentage of grant to ensure all PPG children are provided with experiences to enhance progress in academic, social and emotional development
Ensure that the gap closes in all schools for all children for whom the Pupil Premium is available
To ensure that there is no gap between the Pupil Premium children and the other children in each cohort within the school
Opening doors to a world of possibilities