Welcome to Blackawton Primary School, a village school at the heart of the local community. We are a happy, creative and inclusive school with a very positive ethos of high expectations and excellent behaviour underpinned by the Blackawton Way and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. As a Gold Rights Respecting School, we lead the way in recognising the rights of children and young people and ensure that they grow up in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity.
Our children love to work outside and we work hard to ensure that active learning takes place inside and outside of the classroom. Parents and families are warmly welcomed into our school and we encourage them to help and support us in providing a rich, quality of education for all our children. The children are involved in designing the Blackawton Curriculum with the intention that we helping them to open doors to a world of possibilities.
Rachel Burris, Head of School